Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Online places to sell art

I have been looking for online places to sell art and have come up with these ones

Society 6    
Red Bubble
Things Arty 
Fine Art America

create your own website with  or and blogspot of course

Some sell prints and t-shirts and stuff. Some sell the original art work. I don't know which is best. If you sell the painting can you sell prints afterwards?

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Henchy's Bar

I have two paintings hanging in Henchy's bar Lukes Cross Cork. They have some fab work on dislay so it's well work a look. It's a great place for a pint and some chat too.
Exhibition is on until 4th November

Recent painting

I recently painted this painting for a friend. I think it worked out well.

Bare Island, West Cork

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Wednesday Art Group

The Wednesday Art Group is up and running for the winter season and it's very well attended. There is a lovely group of ladies. We have tea and scones half way through and we have a grand old natter.
I gave them a little project for the next couple of weeks
Here it is 
a small painting on any subject in any medium on an A5 size sheet of canvas. Here is my one

Henchy's Bar

I have 2 paintings in the Exhibition in Henchy's bar, St Lukes Cross, Cork. 
Opening night is Tomorrow Thursday 4th October 2012.
 Looking forward to that as I'll be meeting up with some pals.
 Exhibition runs throughout October, so go up to have a look, it's worth it.